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Top 8 Ways To Celebrate Memorial Day

Top 8 Ways To Celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an important day for all of us, serving as a reminder to remember those who have fought for and served this incredible country we call home. With the holiday weekend quickly approaching, we’ve put together a few Memorial Day celebration ideas on how you and your family can recognize this special day together.

This Memorial Day, make it all about spending time with loved ones as you remember those who have fought for your freedom, and enjoy a fantastic kick-off to summer.

Attend A Memorial Day Event

Many towns and cities across the US celebrate with parades and events to recognize Memorial Day—often concluding with a moment of silence or memorial service. These are excellent community events and are perfect for the entire family, combining excitement, education, and the outdoors.

Here are just a few of our favorite Memorial Day events happening near InTown Suites properties:

Denver, Colorado Colorado Music & Arts Festival (May 29th-30th) and Evergreen Music Festival (May 31st)  

Atlanta, GeorgiaStone Mountain Park Memorial Day Lasershow & Fireworks (May 28th-31st)

Richmond, VirginiaVirginia’s Annual Memorial Day Ceremony (May 31st)

**If you and your family plan on attending any in-person events this Memorial Day weekend, remember to celebrate responsibly by wearing your mask and staying socially distanced.**

Plan A Family BBQ To Celebrate Memorial Day

Traditionally seen as the unofficial kick-off to summer, Memorial Day is an excellent time to get family and friends together to share stories of the past, exchange gratitude and enjoy a delicious meal together.

This Memorial Day weekend is the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and relatives that you haven’t seen over the last year. You can even find a local park or beach with BBQ facilities and bring the party there for more space.

Looking for simple side dishes to serve with your grilled goodies this Memorial Day? Here are a few no-cook meal ideas that will perfectly complement your main grilled dishes. The best part? You can prepare everything without an oven or hours in the kitchen.

Decorate Your Home For Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an excellent time to wave our red, white, and blue with true pride! Let the kids join in the fun by hanging flags from the house and on the lawn. There’s never been a better time to embrace your patriotism—and your yard will look fabulous in stripes and stars!

If you have a flagpole, consider joining others in the country by lowering the flag half-staff from dawn until noon (local time) as a sign of respect. Don’t forget to briskly raise your flag to the top of the staff at noon and let it fly until sunset in honor of the battle heroes of our great nation.

Volunteer In Your Community

Whether it’s a friend who needs a hand, an elderly neighbor or a community soup kitchen, volunteering is a great way to pay it forward in a positive way that echoes the spirit of Memorial Day. Take it upon yourself to do something selfless, just as the many men and women we celebrate on Memorial Day did.

For inspiration on how you can volunteer or get involved with your local community, check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’s resources.

Enjoy A Memorial Day Concert

There are plenty of shows and concerts to choose from this Memorial Day weekend, but one of our longstanding favorites is the National Memorial Day Concert. Tune into the live televised event on PBS on May 30th at 8:00 p.m. EST. It’s a truly fantastic event year after year.

Take A Virtual Tour Of The Capital

Washington, D.C. is full of museums and galleries spotlighting the rich history of our nation. Even if you can’t travel to D.C. this Memorial Day weekend, you can now take a virtual tour of many of those museums from the comfort of your home. Your and your family can explore the National Geographic Museum, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and many more with a whole new perspective. 

Send A Memorial Day Care Package

Another way to celebrate Memorial Day is caring for those currently serving in our military. Operation Gratitude is a non-profit organization that sends care packages to active military members around the world. Since 2003, they have sent over three million care packages. They also have a virtual volunteer program you and your family can take part in from home. 

Set Off On A Memorial Day TRIP

Getaway as a family, and enjoy a change of scenery this Memorial Day weekend. Whether it be out of state or a simple staycation, the long weekend is the perfect time to reconnect, recharge and relax. Take advantage of some (hopefully) fine weather and enjoy a weekend at the cottage, on a hiking trip or a road trip to visit family.


Looking for affordable accommodations for a Memorial Day weekend vacation? Check out our list of extended stay locations—they make the perfect home base with 188 locations across 22 states.
No matter how you decide to enjoy the Memorial Day weekend, we’re sure you’ll have a blast spending time with family and friends!
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