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Fun Easter Crafts, Treats and Activities You & Your Kids Will Love

Fun Easter Crafts, Treats and Activities You & Your Kids Will Love

Hippity, hoppity – Easter’s on its way! Birds are singing, little ones are out of school and you’ve got a busy weekend ahead, packed full of family gatherings, events, and dinners. No matter where you find yourself this Easter—on the road, at home, or somewhere in between—there are plenty of ways to enjoy the holiday.

To help make the most of the season, we’ve cobbled together a list of creative ways to pass the time with kid-approved crafts, simple yet scrumptious treats to make with your kids and an epic plan for an Easter morning egg hunt that could create a whole new Easter tradition for your family. Let’s dive in and discover these festive and fun Easter crafts, treats and activities.

kids enjoying a fun easter craft - egg decoratingHOPPING-GOOD TIME WITH FUN EASTER CRAFTS

There are plenty of fun ways to keep little ones entertained using common household items. Channel that Easter excitement into creating easy crafts to decorate the house with and flex everyone’s creative muscles.

1| Easter Egg Jars

Grab some pastel acrylic paints, brushes, a piece of sandpaper and some old mason jars to decorate. Follow these instructions for creating Easter-themed jars. Use your creations to hold fresh-cut flowers or fill them with Easter-colored jelly beans or chocolate eggs.

2| Foil Eggs

Cover egg-shaped cardboard cutouts with everyday aluminum foil to make the perfect background for your little one’s artistic visions. Colorful permanent markers make the best tool for decoration, so make sure you cover the table!

3| Easter Egg Painting

Pick up an Easter egg decorating kit at the local grocery store and enjoy hours of fun with the kids dyeing, coloring and decorating your eggs! Get even more adventurous with glitter, stickers, and paint. Check out these DIY instructions for creating your own dye and innovative decorating tips..

4| Pipe Cleaner Eggs

Skip the mess altogether and create colorful Easter eggs using faux craft eggs and pipe cleaners. Simply start at the top of the egg with a dot of hot glue and end of pipe cleaner. Start coiling the pipe cleaner around the egg adding dots of hot glue every few rows and a final dot once the egg is covered. It may take 3-4 pipe cleaners per egg.

a young girl enjoying a yummy easter treatIS SOME-BUNNY HUNGRY? EASY EASTER TREATS TO SATISFY

These Easter treats are kid-approved and simple to make. Each of them makes a cute decoration for your table and a delectable treat after your meal. Grab the kids and let’s get creative with these easy easter treats!

5| Easter Graham Cracker Houses

Similar to the gingerbread houses you’d make at Christmas, these Easter-themed creations are the perfect home for your marshmallow birds. Create personalized placeholders for a family gathering and a scrumptious dessert all in one. Check out the full recipe and get ready for “peeps” of fun.

6| Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Carrots

A healthy snack… disguised as another healthy snack? Turn sweet strawberries into the Easter Bunny’s favorite treat by dipping them in melted orange-colored chocolate wafers. Add extra flair with sprinkles or contrasting chocolate drizzle. Take your treat to the next level by creating a garden for your carrots to grow using chocolate pudding and crushed chocolate cookies.

7| Edible Bird Nests

Unlikely ingredients come together to make these tasty works of art. Chow mein noodles and marshmallows make the perfect nest to hold chocolate eggs, malted chocolate candies or jelly beans. Learn how to make these adorable Easter treats in a snap!

8| Magical Easter Unicorn Bark

For this totally simple, totally unique Easter treat, you’ll need a few bags of colorful chocolate melts (like yellow, pink, purple and blue) plus whatever sprinkles you want. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Melt each of your chocolates in a separate bowl per package instructions. Pour your melted chocolate onto the tray and swirl your colors. Add your sprinkles to the top then place in the freezer until hardened. Break the bark into snackable sizes and enjoy!

9| Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs

You can now make one of your favorite Easter treats at home. With just 7 ingredients from the store, whip up the most decadent chocolate peanut butter eggs – you’ll swear they are the real deal! This recipe yields 16-17 eggs, depending on the size of cookie cutter you are using.

The 7 ingredients you will need are:

  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • ¼ cup butter-melted
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • dash of salt
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 10-12 oz. melting chocolate or chocolate chips

Use parchment paper to line an 8×8 inch baking pan, leaving the paper slightly overhanging on the sides. (You’ll need to lift it out of the pan later.) Next, in a plastic bowl, mix together the peanut butter, melted butter, brown sugar, vanilla and salt – just until combined. Then, gradually mix in the powdered sugar. Once fully combined, press the mixture into your lined baking pan. Your goal is to press the mixture into a ½ inch thick layer with a smooth top. Put the peanut butter mixture in the freezer until it’s firm enough to cut.

While your peanut butter mixture firms, line a tray with parchment paper and set it aside. Then gather the next ingredients you will need: an egg-shaped cookie cutter, melting chocolate/chocolate chips, microwave-safe bowl and a couple of forks. Remove your 8×8 pan from the freezer, and lift the mixture out of the pan. Cut the peanut butter into egg shapes and place them on your lined tray. Put them back into the freezer for 45-60 minutes.

When time is almost up, grab your chocolate and your bowl and melt it according to the package instructions. Pull out your peanut butter eggs and dip them into your melting chocolate using the forks like tongs. Once completely covered, let the excess chocolate drip off and place the chocolate-covered egg back on the parchment paper. Repeat for the remaining eggs. Put the chocolate peanut butter eggs back into the freezer. Serve, bite and enjoy!

Looking for a simple easter brunch meal? Check out this no-fuss Easter brunch menu you can easily make in your suite at InTown!

a mom and two kids enjoying a fun easter egg hunt CREATIVE EASTER EGG HUNT ACTIVITIES

The excitement of the Easter egg hunt can be a flurry of fun followed by a furious race to eat as much chocolate as possible. Slow the morning down and avoid sore tummies by making the big search into an interactive game. Here are a few ways to get creative with your basic Easter egg hunting tradition:

10| Trick or Treat

No, we’re not talking about the Halloween tradition, but rather, consider filling some of your plastic Easter eggs with silly action-packed ideas. Your kids won’t know if they are getting tricked or a treat! Using these free printable tags, your kids could find an egg with a tag that says “Quack like a duck” or “Do 5 jumping jacks.” Go the extra mile and cut down on sugar by filling some plastic eggs with other favorite snacks like cheese crackers, fruit snacks or graham crackers.

11| Leave a Trail

Add a bit more excitement and mystery to the hunt with some helpful Easter Bunny footprints. Using flour, cornstarch, or baby powder (whatever you choose), make powdery footprints to guide little ones along a trail to find eggs. Check out this blogger’s sidewalk bunny trail.

12| Making a List, Checking it Twice

Santa isn’t the only one with a list. This year, make your Easter egg hunt a bit more interesting with a printed checklist from the Easter Bunny. Invite your kids to be more present and slow down by having them look for flowers, animals and other fun sights in addition to hunting for eggs. Here’s a free printable list for inspiration.

Discover more ideas on how to celebrate Easter this year with these simple spring activities for kids!

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Whether you’re spending the holiday weekend at home, or on the road to visit family, we have a few tips on how to celebrate Easter safely. From everyone at InTown Suites, we wish you a Happy Easter!

If you’re looking for an affordable weekly rental for your Easter break vacation, we have nearly 200 locations across the country. Each location boasts fully-equipped, apartment-style suites, and you can now find newly renovated suites at every InTown Suites location.

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